// Copyright (C) 2012 by Khoivietech. All rights reserved.
* SmoothMenu addon for jQuery UI
* https://github.com/madguy/jQuery.ui.smoothMenu
* Copyright 2011, madguy
* License MIT-style License.
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* Depends:
* jquery.ui.core.js
* jquery.ui.widget.js
* Inspired by MenuMatic
* http://greengeckodesign.com/menumatic
(function ($, undefined) {
var isNumber = function (value) {
return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value);
$.widget('ui.smoothMenu', {
widgetEventPrefix: 'smoothMenu',
_wrapToWidgetEvent: function (type) {
return type + '.' + this.widgetEventPrefix;
options: {
childTag: 'li',
delay: 1000,
direction: 'horizontal',
dockId: 'ui_smooth_menu_container',
duration: 300,
easing: 'swing',
icon: true,
opacity: 1,
parentTag: 'ul',
zIndex: 1
_create: function () {
var self = this;
var options = self.options;
var $elm = self.element;
var $rootContainer = self._getOrCreateContainer();
var $parent = $elm.children(options.parentTag + ':first');
options.parentNode = $parent;
// 再帰的に子要素を探索して、子要素から先にコンテナに入れます。
var childOption = $.extend({}, options, {
direction: 'vertical',
zIndex: options.zIndex + 1
// 子要素まですべて適用してからbindしないと先にイベントが動いてしまうため、あとからイベントを付加します。
var $childNodes = $parent.children(options.childTag).smoothMenu(childOption).bind({
smoothmenuonhide: function (event, $elm) {
options.childNodes = $childNodes;
options.defaultCss = {
marginLeft: $parent.css('marginLeft'),
marginTop: $parent.css('marginTop'),
opacity: $parent.css('opacity'),
visibility: $parent.css('visibility')
$elm.addClass('ui-smoothMenu-item ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-state-default').bind(self._wrapToWidgetEvent('mouseenter'), function (event) {
if (options.disabled === false) {
}).bind(self._wrapToWidgetEvent('mouseleave'), function (event) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, options.delay);
if ($parent.length > 0) {
var $container = $('
display: 'none',
overflow: 'hidden',
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: options.zIndex
}).bind(self._wrapToWidgetEvent('mouseenter'), function (event) {
}).bind(self._wrapToWidgetEvent('mouseleave'), function (event) {
options.container = $container;
if (options.icon) {
var iconClass = options.direction === 'horizontal' ? 'ui-icon-triangle-1-s' : 'ui-icon-triangle-1-e';
var $icon = $('').addClass(iconClass);
} else {
options.container = $();
$elm.smoothMenu('hide', 0);
destroy: function () {
var self = this;
var options = self.options;
var $elm = self.element;
if (options.disabled) {
$elm.removeClass('ui-smoothMenu-item ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-state-default').unbind('.' + self.widgetEventPrefix);
var $container = options.container;
// 子要素を再帰的に復元します。
var $parent = $container.children(options.parentTag);
$parent.stop(true, true).css(options.defaultCss);
return self;
enable: function () {
var $childNodes = this.options.childNodes;
disable: function () {
var $childNodes = this.options.childNodes;
rootContainer: function () {
return this._getOrCreateContainer();
content: function () {
return this.options.parentNode;
show: function (duration) {
var self = this;
var options = this.options;
var $elm = self.element;
var $container = options.container;
var $parent = $container.children(options.parentTag);
duration = isNumber(duration) ? duration : options.duration;
if (options.disabled) {
$elm.siblings().smoothMenu('hide', 100);
if (options.visible) {
var isContinue = self._trigger('beforeShow', null, $elm);
if (isContinue === false) {
var offset = $elm.offset();
var extendWidth = options.direction !== 'horizontal' ? $elm.outerWidth(true) : 0;
var extendHeight = (function () {
if (options.direction === 'horizontal') {
return $elm.outerHeight(true);
} else {
var containerHeight = $container.outerHeight(true) || 0;
var documentHeight = $(document).height();
return Math.min(documentHeight - (offset.top + containerHeight), 0);
// 先にコンテナは表示状態にする必要があります。
// Marginはプラグイン側で移動させるので取得しません。
var height = $parent.outerHeight() || 0;
var width = $parent.outerWidth() || 0;
left: String(offset.left + extendWidth) + 'px',
height: String(height) + 'px',
top: String(offset.top + extendHeight) + 'px',
width: String(width) + 'px'
marginLeft: '0px',
marginTop: '0px',
opacity: options.opacity
}, {
duration: duration,
easing: options.easing
options.visible = true;
self._trigger('onShow', null, $elm);
hide: function (duration) {
var self = this;
var options = self.options;
var $elm = self.element;
var $container = options.container;
var $parent = $container.children(options.parentTag);
duration = isNumber(duration) ? duration : options.duration;
if (options.disabled) {
if (options.visible === false) {
if (self.isMouseOver(true)) {
var isContinue = self._trigger('beforeHide', null, $elm);
if (isContinue === false) {
var marginLeft = options.direction !== 'horizontal' ? -1 * $container.outerWidth() : 0;
var marginTop = options.direction === 'horizontal' ? -1 * $container.outerHeight() : 0;
marginLeft: String(marginLeft) + 'px',
marginTop: String(marginTop) + 'px',
opacity: 0
}, {
duration: duration,
easing: options.easing,
complete: function () {
self._trigger('onHide', null, $elm);
options.visible = false;
// 親が閉じられたら子要素も同時に閉じます。
isMouseOver: function (deepSearch) {
var isMouseOver = this.options.isMouseOver;
if (deepSearch) {
var hasMouseOverChild = this._hasMouseOverChild();
return isMouseOver || hasMouseOverChild;
} else {
return isMouseOver;
_hasMouseOverChild: function () {
var $childNodes = this.options.childNodes;
var hasMouseOverChild = $childNodes.filter(function () {
return $(this).smoothMenu('isMouseOver', true);
}).length > 0;
return hasMouseOverChild;
_mouseEnter: function (event) {
this.options.isMouseOver = true;
_mouseLeave: function (event) {
this.options.isMouseOver = false;
_getOrCreateContainer: function () {
var id = this.options.dockId;
var $container = $('#' + id);
if ($container.length === 0) {
$container = $('', {
id: id,
'class': 'ui-widget ui-smoothMenu'
return $container;
_removeContainerIfEmpty: function () {
var $container = this._getOrCreateContainer();
if ($container.is(':empty')) {
$.extend($.ui.smoothMenu, {
version: '0.2.4'
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* jQuery blockUI plugin
* Version 2.61.0-2013.06.06
* @requires jQuery v1.7 or later
* Examples at: http://malsup.com/jquery/block/
* Copyright (c) 2007-2013 M. Alsup
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Thanks to Amir-Hossein Sobhi for some excellent contributions!
;(function() {
/*jshint eqeqeq:false curly:false latedef:false */
"use strict";
function setup($) {
$.fn._fadeIn = $.fn.fadeIn;
var noOp = $.noop || function() {};
// this bit is to ensure we don't call setExpression when we shouldn't (with extra muscle to handle
// retarded userAgent strings on Vista)
var msie = /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var ie6 = /MSIE 6.0/.test(navigator.userAgent) && ! /MSIE 8.0/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var mode = document.documentMode || 0;
var setExpr = $.isFunction( document.createElement('div').style.setExpression );
// global $ methods for blocking/unblocking the entire page
$.blockUI = function(opts) { install(window, opts); };
$.unblockUI = function(opts) { remove(window, opts); };
// convenience method for quick growl-like notifications (http://www.google.com/search?q=growl)
$.growlUI = function(title, message, timeout, onClose) {
var $m = $('');
if (title) $m.append('
if (message) $m.append('
if (timeout === undefined) timeout = 3000;
// Added by konapun: Set timeout to 30 seconds if this growl is moused over, like normal toast notifications
var callBlock = function(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
message: $m,
fadeIn : typeof opts.fadeIn !== 'undefined' ? opts.fadeIn : 700,
fadeOut: typeof opts.fadeOut !== 'undefined' ? opts.fadeOut : 1000,
timeout: typeof opts.timeout !== 'undefined' ? opts.timeout : timeout,
centerY: false,
showOverlay: false,
onUnblock: onClose,
css: $.blockUI.defaults.growlCSS
var nonmousedOpacity = $m.css('opacity');
$m.mouseover(function() {
fadeIn: 0,
timeout: 30000
var displayBlock = $('.blockMsg');
displayBlock.stop(); // cancel fadeout if it has started
displayBlock.fadeTo(300, 1); // make it easier to read the message by removing transparency
}).mouseout(function() {
// End konapun additions
// plugin method for blocking element content
$.fn.block = function(opts) {
if ( this[0] === window ) {
$.blockUI( opts );
return this;
var fullOpts = $.extend({}, $.blockUI.defaults, opts || {});
this.each(function() {
var $el = $(this);
if (fullOpts.ignoreIfBlocked && $el.data('blockUI.isBlocked'))
$el.unblock({ fadeOut: 0 });
return this.each(function() {
if ($.css(this,'position') == 'static') {
this.style.position = 'relative';
$(this).data('blockUI.static', true);
this.style.zoom = 1; // force 'hasLayout' in ie
install(this, opts);
// plugin method for unblocking element content
$.fn.unblock = function(opts) {
if ( this[0] === window ) {
$.unblockUI( opts );
return this;
return this.each(function() {
remove(this, opts);
$.blockUI.version = 2.60; // 2nd generation blocking at no extra cost!
// override these in your code to change the default behavior and style
$.blockUI.defaults = {
// message displayed when blocking (use null for no message)
message: '
Please wait...
title: null, // title string; only used when theme == true
draggable: true, // only used when theme == true (requires jquery-ui.js to be loaded)
theme: false, // set to true to use with jQuery UI themes
// styles for the message when blocking; if you wish to disable
// these and use an external stylesheet then do this in your code:
// $.blockUI.defaults.css = {};
css: {
padding: 0,
margin: 0,
width: '30%',
top: '40%',
left: '35%',
textAlign: 'center',
color: '#000',
border: '3px solid #aaa',
cursor: 'wait'
// minimal style set used when themes are used
themedCSS: {
width: '30%',
top: '40%',
left: '35%'
// styles for the overlay
overlayCSS: {
backgroundColor: '#000',
opacity: 0.6,
cursor: 'wait'
// style to replace wait cursor before unblocking to correct issue
// of lingering wait cursor
cursorReset: 'default',
// styles applied when using $.growlUI
growlCSS: {
width: '350px',
top: '10px',
left: '',
right: '10px',
border: 'none',
padding: '5px',
opacity: 0.6,
cursor: 'default',
color: '#fff',
backgroundColor: '#000',
'-moz-border-radius': '10px',
'border-radius': '10px'
// IE issues: 'about:blank' fails on HTTPS and javascript:false is s-l-o-w
// (hat tip to Jorge H. N. de Vasconcelos)
/*jshint scripturl:true */
iframeSrc: /^https/i.test(window.location.href || '') ? 'javascript:false' : 'about:blank',
// force usage of iframe in non-IE browsers (handy for blocking applets)
forceIframe: false,
// z-index for the blocking overlay
baseZ: 1000,
// set these to true to have the message automatically centered
centerX: true, // <-- only effects element blocking (page block controlled via css above)
centerY: true,
// allow body element to be stetched in ie6; this makes blocking look better
// on "short" pages. disable if you wish to prevent changes to the body height
allowBodyStretch: true,
// enable if you want key and mouse events to be disabled for content that is blocked
bindEvents: true,
// be default blockUI will supress tab navigation from leaving blocking content
// (if bindEvents is true)
constrainTabKey: true,
// fadeIn time in millis; set to 0 to disable fadeIn on block
fadeIn: 200,
// fadeOut time in millis; set to 0 to disable fadeOut on unblock
fadeOut: 400,
// time in millis to wait before auto-unblocking; set to 0 to disable auto-unblock
timeout: 0,
// disable if you don't want to show the overlay
showOverlay: true,
// if true, focus will be placed in the first available input field when
// page blocking
focusInput: true,
// elements that can receive focus
focusableElements: ':input:enabled:visible',
// suppresses the use of overlay styles on FF/Linux (due to performance issues with opacity)
// no longer needed in 2012
// applyPlatformOpacityRules: true,
// callback method invoked when fadeIn has completed and blocking message is visible
onBlock: null,
// callback method invoked when unblocking has completed; the callback is
// passed the element that has been unblocked (which is the window object for page
// blocks) and the options that were passed to the unblock call:
// onUnblock(element, options)
onUnblock: null,
// callback method invoked when the overlay area is clicked.
// setting this will turn the cursor to a pointer, otherwise cursor defined in overlayCss will be used.
onOverlayClick: null,
// don't ask; if you really must know: http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/36640a8730503595/2f6a79a77a78e493#2f6a79a77a78e493
quirksmodeOffsetHack: 4,
// class name of the message block
blockMsgClass: 'blockMsg',
// if it is already blocked, then ignore it (don't unblock and reblock)
ignoreIfBlocked: false
// private data and functions follow...
var pageBlock = null;
var pageBlockEls = [];
function install(el, opts) {
var css, themedCSS;
var full = (el == window);
var msg = (opts && opts.message !== undefined ? opts.message : undefined);
opts = $.extend({}, $.blockUI.defaults, opts || {});
if (opts.ignoreIfBlocked && $(el).data('blockUI.isBlocked'))
opts.overlayCSS = $.extend({}, $.blockUI.defaults.overlayCSS, opts.overlayCSS || {});
css = $.extend({}, $.blockUI.defaults.css, opts.css || {});
if (opts.onOverlayClick)
opts.overlayCSS.cursor = 'pointer';
themedCSS = $.extend({}, $.blockUI.defaults.themedCSS, opts.themedCSS || {});
msg = msg === undefined ? opts.message : msg;
// remove the current block (if there is one)
if (full && pageBlock)
remove(window, {fadeOut:0});
// if an existing element is being used as the blocking content then we capture
// its current place in the DOM (and current display style) so we can restore
// it when we unblock
if (msg && typeof msg != 'string' && (msg.parentNode || msg.jquery)) {
var node = msg.jquery ? msg[0] : msg;
var data = {};
$(el).data('blockUI.history', data);
data.el = node;
data.parent = node.parentNode;
data.display = node.style.display;
data.position = node.style.position;
if (data.parent)
$(el).data('blockUI.onUnblock', opts.onUnblock);
var z = opts.baseZ;
// blockUI uses 3 layers for blocking, for simplicity they are all used on every platform;
// layer1 is the iframe layer which is used to supress bleed through of underlying content
// layer2 is the overlay layer which has opacity and a wait cursor (by default)
// layer3 is the message content that is displayed while blocking
var lyr1, lyr2, lyr3, s;
if (msie || opts.forceIframe)
lyr1 = $('');
lyr1 = $('');
if (opts.theme)
lyr2 = $('');
lyr2 = $('');
if (opts.theme && full) {
s = '
if ( opts.title ) {
s += '
'+(opts.title || ' ')+'
s += '';
s += '
else if (opts.theme) {
s = '
if ( opts.title ) {
s += '
'+(opts.title || ' ')+'
s += '';
s += '
else if (full) {
s = '';
else {
s = '';
lyr3 = $(s);
// if we have a message, style it
if (msg) {
if (opts.theme) {
// style the overlay
if (!opts.theme /*&& (!opts.applyPlatformOpacityRules)*/)
lyr2.css('position', full ? 'fixed' : 'absolute');
// make iframe layer transparent in IE
if (msie || opts.forceIframe)
//$([lyr1[0],lyr2[0],lyr3[0]]).appendTo(full ? 'body' : el);
var layers = [lyr1,lyr2,lyr3], $par = full ? $('body') : $(el);
$.each(layers, function() {
if (opts.theme && opts.draggable && $.fn.draggable) {
handle: '.ui-dialog-titlebar',
cancel: 'li'
// ie7 must use absolute positioning in quirks mode and to account for activex issues (when scrolling)
var expr = setExpr && (!$.support.boxModel || $('object,embed', full ? null : el).length > 0);
if (ie6 || expr) {
// give body 100% height
if (full && opts.allowBodyStretch && $.support.boxModel)
// fix ie6 issue when blocked element has a border width
if ((ie6 || !$.support.boxModel) && !full) {
var t = sz(el,'borderTopWidth'), l = sz(el,'borderLeftWidth');
var fixT = t ? '(0 - '+t+')' : 0;
var fixL = l ? '(0 - '+l+')' : 0;
// simulate fixed position
$.each(layers, function(i,o) {
var s = o[0].style;
s.position = 'absolute';
if (i < 2) {
if (full)
s.setExpression('height','Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight) - (jQuery.support.boxModel?0:'+opts.quirksmodeOffsetHack+') + "px"');
s.setExpression('height','this.parentNode.offsetHeight + "px"');
if (full)
s.setExpression('width','jQuery.support.boxModel && document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth + "px"');
s.setExpression('width','this.parentNode.offsetWidth + "px"');
if (fixL) s.setExpression('left', fixL);
if (fixT) s.setExpression('top', fixT);
else if (opts.centerY) {
if (full) s.setExpression('top','(document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight) / 2 - (this.offsetHeight / 2) + (blah = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop) + "px"');
s.marginTop = 0;
else if (!opts.centerY && full) {
var top = (opts.css && opts.css.top) ? parseInt(opts.css.top, 10) : 0;
var expression = '((document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop) + '+top+') + "px"';
// show the message
if (msg) {
if (opts.theme)
if (msg.jquery || msg.nodeType)
if ((msie || opts.forceIframe) && opts.showOverlay)
lyr1.show(); // opacity is zero
if (opts.fadeIn) {
var cb = opts.onBlock ? opts.onBlock : noOp;
var cb1 = (opts.showOverlay && !msg) ? cb : noOp;
var cb2 = msg ? cb : noOp;
if (opts.showOverlay)
lyr2._fadeIn(opts.fadeIn, cb1);
if (msg)
lyr3._fadeIn(opts.fadeIn, cb2);
else {
if (opts.showOverlay)
if (msg)
if (opts.onBlock)
// bind key and mouse events
bind(1, el, opts);
if (full) {
pageBlock = lyr3[0];
pageBlockEls = $(opts.focusableElements,pageBlock);
if (opts.focusInput)
setTimeout(focus, 20);
center(lyr3[0], opts.centerX, opts.centerY);
if (opts.timeout) {
// auto-unblock
var to = setTimeout(function() {
if (full)
}, opts.timeout);
$(el).data('blockUI.timeout', to);
// remove the block
function remove(el, opts) {
var count;
var full = (el == window);
var $el = $(el);
var data = $el.data('blockUI.history');
var to = $el.data('blockUI.timeout');
if (to) {
opts = $.extend({}, $.blockUI.defaults, opts || {});
bind(0, el, opts); // unbind events
if (opts.onUnblock === null) {
opts.onUnblock = $el.data('blockUI.onUnblock');
var els;
if (full) // crazy selector to handle odd field errors in ie6/7
els = $('body').children().filter('.blockUI').add('body > .blockUI');
els = $el.find('>.blockUI');
// fix cursor issue
if ( opts.cursorReset ) {
if ( els.length > 1 )
els[1].style.cursor = opts.cursorReset;
if ( els.length > 2 )
els[2].style.cursor = opts.cursorReset;
if (full)
pageBlock = pageBlockEls = null;
if (opts.fadeOut) {
count = els.length;
els.fadeOut(opts.fadeOut, function() {
if ( --count === 0)
reset(els, data, opts, el);
// move blocking element back into the DOM where it started
function reset(els,data,opts,el) {
var $el = $(el);
els.each(function(i,o) {
// remove via DOM calls so we don't lose event handlers
if (this.parentNode)
if (data && data.el) {
data.el.style.display = data.display;
data.el.style.position = data.position;
if (data.parent)
if ($el.data('blockUI.static')) {
$el.css('position', 'static'); // #22
if (typeof opts.onUnblock == 'function')
// fix issue in Safari 6 where block artifacts remain until reflow
var body = $(document.body), w = body.width(), cssW = body[0].style.width;
body[0].style.width = cssW;
// bind/unbind the handler
function bind(b, el, opts) {
var full = el == window, $el = $(el);
// don't bother unbinding if there is nothing to unbind
if (!b && (full && !pageBlock || !full && !$el.data('blockUI.isBlocked')))
$el.data('blockUI.isBlocked', b);
// don't bind events when overlay is not in use or if bindEvents is false
if (!full || !opts.bindEvents || (b && !opts.showOverlay))
// bind anchors and inputs for mouse and key events
var events = 'mousedown mouseup keydown keypress keyup touchstart touchend touchmove';
if (b)
$(document).bind(events, opts, handler);
$(document).unbind(events, handler);
// former impl...
// var $e = $('a,:input');
// b ? $e.bind(events, opts, handler) : $e.unbind(events, handler);
// event handler to suppress keyboard/mouse events when blocking
function handler(e) {
// allow tab navigation (conditionally)
if (e.keyCode && e.keyCode == 9) {
if (pageBlock && e.data.constrainTabKey) {
var els = pageBlockEls;
var fwd = !e.shiftKey && e.target === els[els.length-1];
var back = e.shiftKey && e.target === els[0];
if (fwd || back) {
return false;
var opts = e.data;
var target = $(e.target);
if (target.hasClass('blockOverlay') && opts.onOverlayClick)
// allow events within the message content
if (target.parents('div.' + opts.blockMsgClass).length > 0)
return true;
// allow events for content that is not being blocked
return target.parents().children().filter('div.blockUI').length === 0;
function focus(back) {
if (!pageBlockEls)
var e = pageBlockEls[back===true ? pageBlockEls.length-1 : 0];
if (e)
function center(el, x, y) {
var p = el.parentNode, s = el.style;
var l = ((p.offsetWidth - el.offsetWidth)/2) - sz(p,'borderLeftWidth');
var t = ((p.offsetHeight - el.offsetHeight)/2) - sz(p,'borderTopWidth');
if (x) s.left = l > 0 ? (l+'px') : '0';
if (y) s.top = t > 0 ? (t+'px') : '0';
function sz(el, p) {
return parseInt($.css(el,p),10)||0;
/*global define:true */
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd && define.amd.jQuery) {
define(['jquery'], setup);
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var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);
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js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;//
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$(document).ready(function () {
$('#smooth_menu > li').smoothMenu({
zIndex: 10, opacity: 0.90
$('#smooth_menu > li').attr('class', 'ui-smoothMenu-item');
$("#smooth_menu > li").hover(function () {
$(this).attr('class', 'ui-smoothMenu-item');
$("#ui_smooth_menu_container li").attr('class', 'ui-smoothMenu-item');
$("#ui_smooth_menu_container li").hover(function () {
$(this).attr('class', 'ui-smoothMenu-item');
if ($('#smooth_menu > li span').length) $('#smooth_menu > li span').attr('class', '');
//Execute the slideShow, set 4 seconds for each images
var defaults = {
containerID: 'toTop', // fading element id
containerHoverClass: 'toTopHover', // fading element hover class
scrollSpeed: 1200
$("#submitSubscription").click(function () {
function check_email(email) {
filter = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/;
if (filter.test(email)) {
return true;
} else return false;
function checkValid(id, value, top) {
if ($("#" + id).val() == value) {
$("#" + id).css('border', '1px solid #ff0000');
$("#" + id).focus();
if (top == true) {
scrollTop: 0
}, 900);
return false;
else {
$("#" + id).css('border', '1px solid #b9b9b9');
return true;
function Subscription(url) {
var isValid = true;
isValid = checkValid("emailSubscription", "", false);
if (isValid == false) {
alert("Bạn đã nhập email?");
return false;
isValid = check_email($("#emailSubscription").val());
if (isValid == false) {
alert("Bạn đã nhập email sai định dạng. Ví dụ: xxx@xxx.xxx");
return false;
if (isValid == true) {
message: '',
css: {
border: 'none',
padding: '15px',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
'-webkit-border-radius': '10px',
'-moz-border-radius': '10px',
opacity: .5,
color: '#fff'
onBlock: function () {
var webMethod = url + "ws.asmx/Subscription";
var parameters = "{'receivedEmail':'" + $("#emailSubscription").val() + "'}"
type: "POST",
url: webMethod,
data: parameters,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
async: true,
cache: false,
success: function (msg) {
error: function (e) {
alert('Đã có lỗi');
function facebookSocialTrack() {
try {
if (FB && FB.Event && FB.Event.subscribe) {
// track "like"
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function () {
_gaq.push(['_trackSocial', 'facebook', 'like']);
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function () {
_gaq.push(['_trackSocial', 'facebook', 'unlike']);
// track "send"
FB.Event.subscribe('message.send', function () {
_gaq.push(['_trackSocial', 'facebook', 'send']);
} catch (error) { }
function twitterSocialTrack() {
try {
if (twttr && twttr.events && twttr.events.bind) {
// track "tweet"
twttr.events.bind('tweet', function () {
_gaq.push(['_trackSocial', 'twitter', 'tweet', post_url]);
} catch (error) { }
function slideShow(speed) {
//append a LI item to the UL list for displaying caption
//Set the opacity of all images to 0
$('ul.slideshow li').css({ opacity: 0.0 });
//Get the first image and display it (set it to full opacity)
$('ul.slideshow li:first').css({ opacity: 1.0 });
//Get the caption of the first image from REL attribute and display it
$('#slideshow-caption h3').html($('ul.slideshow a:first').find('img').attr('title'));
$('#slideshow-caption p').html($('ul.slideshow a:first').find('img').attr('alt'));
//Display the caption
$('#slideshow-caption').css({ opacity: 0.7, bottom: 0 });
//Call the gallery function to run the slideshow
var timer = setInterval('gallery()', speed);
//pause the slideshow on mouse over
function () {
function () {
timer = setInterval('gallery()', speed);
function gallery() {
//if no IMGs have the show class, grab the first image
var current = ($('ul.slideshow li.show') ? $('ul.slideshow li.show') : $('#ul.slideshow li:first'));
//Get next image, if it reached the end of the slideshow, rotate it back to the first image
var next = ((current.next().length) ? ((current.next().attr('id') == 'slideshow-caption') ? $('ul.slideshow li:first') : current.next()) : $('ul.slideshow li:first'));
//Get next image caption
var title = next.find('img').attr('title');
var desc = next.find('img').attr('alt');
//Set the fade in effect for the next image, show class has higher z-index
next.css({ opacity: 0.0 }).addClass('show').animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, 1000);
//Hide the caption first, and then set and display the caption
$('#slideshow-caption').slideToggle(300, function () {
$('#slideshow-caption h3').html(title);
$('#slideshow-caption p').html(desc);
//Hide the current image
current.animate({ opacity: 0.0 }, 1000).removeClass('show');